Ah India …

I wrote the piece below upon my return from India several months ago. I have been “readjusting” as I am now back in the US, and for some reason, have been putting off posting this. I believe it is because once posted, my adventure in India will not only FEEL over but BE over. And at this point, I can only say, until the next time …


Dawn approaches with streaks of lightening. The rain comes down in waves as if the gods were dipping their buckets in a great cask of water and tossing out the contents on the world. It’s monsoon season in India; the air fresh and finally the heat subdued a bit. But wait … through my window, I see an airplane passing low, its landing gear at the ready, and clarity comes to my groggy early morning mind.

Ah, India … I’m gone from you now. This ache is real. I feel displaced as if a veil has been lowered muting the colors of my world.

View from my flat

View from my flat

I close my eyes. Fishermen are lined up in their small boats at the shore of the backwaters lowering their nets for the morning’s catch. Birds are calling hoping to snag a fish tossed back. Bolgatty Island is just visible through the mist, and on the other side, the Arabian Sea calls to the ships to take them to other exotic places. To the north, the Chinese Fishing Nets are lowered and raised again in hopes of a good morning.

Chinese fishing nets

Chinese fishing nets

Ah India … she calls to me, catching me off guard and I find myself drifting back, forgetting my current world in an attempt to hold on to the other.

Lake Erie is vast as I gaze out the window of the Cleveland office building. Sailboats dot the horizon, their sails billowing in the summer breeze.  The office is deathly quiet, as if I’m the only one working here.

I close my eyes. Sounds erupt; chatter, laughter, the noise of our teams working together.  The energy is palpable. I smile and the noise is replaced with a heaviness that is nearly tangible.

Ah India … the sights and sounds and colors. The uniqueness of it all will never leave me.

The colors of India

The colors of India

I smile at the memories … the cow with long blue horns riding in the back of the pick-up truck, the flashes of beautiful silk sarees adorning the lovely women as they walk quickly across the streets between the cars, autos, motorcycles, goats and other pedestrians. The trucks and buses of all colors imaginable.

Colorful truck

Colorful truck

Tea and spice shop

Tea and spice shop

Ah India … the cord that connects our worlds is strong but you are so very far away. A part of me was left behind while the part of me that remains has been forever altered.

I close my eyes. I see your beautiful faces, your eyes bright, your smiles engaging, your friendship and passion real. In the midst of tears, I laugh … my heart is full … my desire to see you presses upon me.

4 thoughts on “Ah India …

  1. bill says:

    C, you communicate the loss, and the resulting emptiness, from the change so strongly the reader experiences (not just understands) loss as well. Seems to me you should do some writing, I find you a lot like Eudora Welty, regards, bill

  2. Peggy Diedrichs says:

    Oh, Colleen, how I often too find my mind wandering back to India although it’s been 3 yrs. already! It really is a special unique place that never leaves your soul…

    So you’re back in the US. And I can only imagine the culture-shock you’re going through. Are you living in Cleveland? Would love to see you if you ever make your way out here again! We’re living back on our houseboat for now. Decided to wait on selling it for a little while. 🙂 Still have antsy feet and would love to be on traveling again.

    Hope all is well for you! Hugs, Peggy and Gary   


    • Hi Peggy,
      Yes, it’s clear India will never leave me!
      I’m very happy you are back on the houseboat. I couldn’t comprehend you selling her. I’m heading your way next weekend and will send you an email … Hopefully we can connect. Would love to see you and Gary!
      Love you guys!

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